viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Blood bowl undead team. Zombies and wights.

The blood bowl league is coming to my club!!!
I am painting my team for the league, is an undead team with Ath Bilbao, my favourite team in spanish league, colours. Red and white stripes shirt and black trousers.


The first five miniatures that I finished are three zombies and the two wights of games workshop undead team box.
For the zombies I had no problems, I painted them taking some pictures about TV series and films as references.
The wights were a bigger problem.
I painted the first wight as a medieval knight, with a metal armour, withs three ink washes, chestnut, black and green, to give the armour an ancient look, and, in the knees and one shoulder the red and white stripes.


As I wasn't convinced with this model, I decided change the colour scheme for the other wight. I painted a black armour, with tin biz, boltgun metal and german grey dry brushes. And in the edges of the shoulder and in the knees, the red and white stripes.


I like the zombies, I think the final work is very nice, but the wights... I don´t know.
Now I am finishing the skeletons...

Zombies and wights.
The wood elves are from Sergio De Miguel team. The stadium is from club Dragon collection.

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